We started off week 2 by critiquing each-others work, the work in question was the smartwatch apps that we were asked to complete for this week.

These are the screens that i put up for the critique, i received some positive feedback, and it was only really small things that i might need to change like the size of a button and to maybe centre the text aswell which is easy enough.

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 11.45.07.png

Sail Boat Workshop

In class we worked on a task that let us consider what might be good and what might be bad pretty much with having autonomous vehicles. The yellow posted notes signified the end goal of the project, the green posted notes signified what was driving is driving us towards that end goals and white white ones being barriers that we might get in the way of the project.

This was quite a helpful task because it got me to think of how many problems that autonomous vehicles will actually run into and why they probably aren’t even as safe as driving yourself.

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 15.24.00.png

A Talk from David Henderson/DHD

I had the opportunity to listen to a real motivating chat from David Henderson about work life at his company, and also the chance to join on a placement role. It was an all round good talk and it definitely opened my eyes to potentially applying for a role there, because they have so many different roles in which you can par take, land some of them being ones that i would be more than happy to work in.



I thought that this week was overly helpful, first with the critique on my first project which i thought went very well, then with the workshop, getting to explorer the the advantages and also disadvantages of autonomous vehicles and finally the chat that we had from DHD about working with them and placement opportunities.